
The Jácara is one of the genres of satire, which were shown during the breaks between the acts of the comedies of the Spanish Golden Age ( Siglo de Oro ). Subsequently, she gave various popular compositions of a similar type their name in the entire Spanish-speaking area.

Between the acts it was normal that you aufführte smaller compositions, dances, Loas entremeses, etc. could be. The Jácara was one of these genera.

The people were wont delinquent, knave, pimp, pretty boys or people in the demimonde to be. She emphasized the sharp humor and the area of the jargon of the underworld ( Germania, Catalan for span hermandad = German: Brotherhood ) or Jerigonza ( language game ), the hilarity provoked by social criticism. Peculiarly was also a special tone of voice when singing, called " de Jácara " or " de jacarilla " characteristic of this composition.

Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Francisco de Quevedo (whose Jácaras over the other sticking out ) and many other cultivated this genre.

Before his appearance the Jácara existed as a poetic composition in the street ballad, with the same tone and the same issues as mentioned above.



  • José Domínguez Caparrós, Diccionario de métrica española ( German: Dictionary of Spanish metric ). Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2004.
  • Drama
  • Satire
  • Literary genre