Jacques Companeez

Jacques Companeez ( born March 5, 1906 in Nizhyn, Ukraine, † September 15, 1956 in Paris, France) was a French writer of Russian-Jewish origin.


Jacques Companeez was the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia and Ukrainian province was initially employed as a dialogue writer in Germany and Czechoslovakia. After the seizure of power by the Nazis, he fled to France, where he was very popular despite its initially very inadequate language skills as the author of filmed entertainment. After the occupation of France by the Germans Companeez had into the ground, but continued to write screenplays during this time. Most of the films that emerged after its templates, including after the war, some in Germany and Austria, did not reach greater importance, a notable exception is " Golden Helmet ", directed by Jacques Becker. Companeez daughter is the director Nina Companeez.

Filmography (selection)


Based Upon
