Jacques Philippe Cornut

Jacques Philippe Cornut (* October 19, 1606 in Paris, † August 23, 1651 ) was a French physician and botanist. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Cornut ".


Jacques Philippe Cornut authored with Canadensium Plantarum Historia ... (Paris, 1635 ), one of the first botanical works on North American flora. He described it about 460 plant species, including at least 30 previously unknown species. He himself has never traveled overseas, but also received seeds and plants of French settlers.


Charles Plumier named in his honor, the genus of the plant family Cornutia the verbena family ( Verbenaceae ). Linnaeus later took the name.

Writings (selection )

  • Canadensium plantarum aliarumque Nondum editarum Historia; cui est adjectum ad calcem Enchiridion botanicum parisiense. Paris 1635th

