

The Jahn Abach is a left tributary of the Elbe in Saxony. It rises west of the local part of the community Käbschütztal Mehren, flows through the district Oberjahna and leads finally to 7.4 km at Busch wedge into the Elbe. In the upper reaches of the river is dammed by a dam in a pond. Other supplied by the creek ponds located in the districts Oberjahna and Niederjahna. North of Niederjahna leads the creek through deep valleys with abandoned quarries. As rocks emerge Glimmerporphyrit and Biotitgranodiorit.

As remarkable plant occurrence along the shore spotted arum ( Arum maculatum ), Red butterbur ( Petasites hybridus ), High (Primula elatior ) and the Bulbous Comfrey ( Symphytum tuberosum) are mentioned.

The lower reaches of the Jahn Abaches located in a designated conservation area ( " valleys southeast Lommatzsch " EU Meldenr. DE4746302, State Internal Number: 086E, reporting as of 09 /2003)
