James Papez

James W. Papez ( born August 18, 1883 in Glencoe, Minnesota, † April 13, 1958 in New York) was an American neuroanatomist.

Papez was born in 1883, the son of Czech immigrants. He studied medicine at the University of Minnesota (MD 1911). In the same year he became a professor at the Medical College of Atlanta. Since 1920, he taught at Cornell University in Ithaca (New York). In 1929 he wrote his textbook Comparative Neuroanatomy.

1937 Papez suggested before a general mechanism for emotions, the so-called Papez circuit, wherein the hippocampus played a major role. 1949 completed and corrected Paul MacLean Papez ideas and called the larger complex, the limbic system.

  • Man
  • Americans
  • Anatomist
  • Physician ( 20th century )
  • Born in 1883
  • Died in 1958