Jan Palfijn

January Palfijn, sometimes Jean Palfyn written, ( born November 28, 1650 in Kortrijk, West Flanders, Belgium, † April 21, 1730 in Ghent, Belgium) was a Flemish surgeon and obstetrician.


Palfijn was born the son of a surgeon and barber and so came in contact with the medicine. He learned Latin and French language and went to a surgical school to Ghent. He subsequently studied in Paris and was there by the surgeon and friend Jean Devaux (1649-1729) patronized.

Palfijn was a doctor in Ypres after he had there in 1673 received approval by the society of surgeons and barbers. In November 1694 he married in Ypres and then went to Paris in 1697 before he settled in Ghent for the rest of his life. He is known for the introduction of an improved version of the forceps. Wherein he developed, improved instrument Main de Palfin, joined by a hinge, the two halves of the clamp. So until then possible shift of the halves is prevented. He put the instrument in 1727 in a presentation in Paris during a birth before. At a later time made ​​its operation on a 22 -year-old pregnant women for great excitement when he inside the uterus of the patient killed the fetus ( Fetotomie ) to save the mother's life.

Scientific writings

His first work, which was printed in 1701 in the Flemish language was the Nuova Osteologia. This book on the osteology was printed in several editions and translated into French and Italian. 1710 was published in Leiden (city), the two-volume work Anatomia chirurgica that had a long lasting impact on the surgery of the 18th century.


Palfijns bronze statue stands on the oats market town of his birth since 1889. It was created by Thomas Vincotte.

His mausoleum is located in the St. Jacob's Church in Ghent.

Works (selection)

  • Nouvelle osteologie ou Description du corps humain exacte the os accompagnee de remarques chirurgicales sur le traitement de leurs maladies. Cavelier, Paris ( 1731)
  • Nauwkeurige verhandeling van de voornaemste craft as the heelkonst zoo in de harde than said deelen van ' s people lichaem. 2 full., Vermey, Leida (1710 )
  • Anatomy du corps humain. 2 full., Cavelier, Paris ( 1726)
  • Description anatomique of the parties de la femme. Chez la veuve de B. Schouten, sorrow ( 1708).