Japan Prize

The Japan Prize (Japanese日本 国际 赏, Nihon Kokusai Shō, dt "International Japan Price") is awarded annually for outstanding achievements in the field of natural science, or engineering award. It can be, according to his statutes awarded to living scientists from around the world and enjoys in Asia and among researchers, a reputation which is comparable to the Nobel Prize. The Japan Prize in 1981, initiated by several Japanese industrialists and is awarded by The Science and Technology Foundation of Japan. The prize was first awarded in 1985. He is a year worth a total of 50 million yen (about 490,000 Euros ).

The handover of the Japan Prize takes place in April during a ceremony at the National Theatre in Hayabusachō to participating the entire Japanese governance: Emperor and Empress, the prime minister, the presidents of both houses of the Japanese parliament and the chairman of the Supreme Court. The awards ceremony is the culmination of a hard week, which is officially called in Japan Japan Prize Week and in professional conferences and official receptions held (including the Prime Minister ).

The winners
