Jaraguá do Sul

Jaragua do Sul on the map of Brazil

Jaragua do Sul, with over 130,000 inhabitants, is a medium-sized city in the state of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil. It is characterized mainly by its economy. Large companies located there are the Eletromotores AWAY, which was founded in 1961, among others, by a German, and Duas Rodas and the textile factory Malwee known by his indoor soccer team and Parque Malwee.

The shooting festival, which was launched in 1989, has to get to the destination, the German traditions in the city. It takes place in October, with lots of music, dancing and beer. The shooting match is organized by all the residents there 23 shooting clubs, where Baependi is the biggest club.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Filipe Luis ( born 1985 ), Brazilian footballer