Jarawan languages

The jarawoiden languages ​​( short Jarawoid ) form a sub- unit of the Southern bantoiden languages ​​, a branch of the Benue - Congo languages ​​, which in turn belong to the Niger - Congo.

The 15 jarawoiden languages ​​are spoken by about 300,000 people in mainly eastern Nigeria and sporadically North Cameroon. The most important language is the Jarawa with 150,000 speakers.

Position of jarawoiden languages ​​within the Niger - Congo

  • Niger - Congo > Volta - Congo > Benue - Congo > East Benue - Congo > Bantoid - Cross> Bantoid > South Bantoid > Jarawoid

Classification of jarawoiden languages

  • Jarawoid Nigeria Group Jarawa (150 thousand) Dialects: Bankal, Ligri, Kanam, Bobar, Gingwak
  • Labir ( Jaku ), Shiki ( Guba ), Dulbu, Gwa
  • Mbonga ( Mboa ) Nagumi †, Ngong (almost †)