Jasminka Domaš

Jasminka Domas ( * 1948 in Banja Luka ) is a Croatian author.


The Jew lives in Zagreb, where she also attended the school since 1951. She studied political science, philosophy, sociology and received her diploma at the University of Zagreb. She is master of biblical and contemporary Judaism, journalist of Croatian Radio and Television, and author of scenarios.

From 1995 to 1998 she took more than 200 documentary testimonies for an American Foundation for visual story, the founder and president Steven Spielberg on " witnesses who survived the Holocaust." She is a member of the PEN Club, President of the Society for freedom of religion in Croatia and member of the Jewish community in Croatia.

She has published 16 books, including 1996 " Obitelj - Mišpaha " (Eng. translator's 2003: The family - Pacha mix ). 1993 appeared "Jewish Heritage in Zagreb and Croatia ", 2001 " Rebeka u nutrini duše " ( Rebecca inside the soul, appears in the Kitab -Verlag Klagenfurt and Vienna ).
