Jê languages

The total languages ​​( pronunciation: [ ʒe ː ], with accent: Gê languages ​​, including: Jê languages), represent an indigenous American language family, which is widespread in central, eastern and southern Brazil and consists of 13 individual languages.


  • Central Group: Acroá [ acs ]
  • Acua group: Xavante [ xav ]
  • Xerente [ xer ]
  • Xakriabá [ xkr ]
  • Apinayé [ apn ]
  • Kayapó [ txu ]
  • Kreen - Akarore [ kre ]
  • Suyá [ suy ]
  • Timbira group: Gavião, Pará [ gvp ]
  • Krahô [ xra ]
  • Kreyenfeld [ XRE ]
  • Krikati - Timbira [ xri ]

Speaker richest language is the Xavante with about 10,000 speakers. Acroá and Xakriabá are already extinct.

The total languages ​​can be extended to a larger genealogy group is called the Macro -Ge.

Linguistic characteristics

The Canela ( Timbira group s, o ) is a language with the basic word order of subject-object - verb ( SOV ) and knows capitalized, accusative and ergativische sentence constructions, besides also Experiens constructions. The case are mainly indicated by postpositions.


  • Helmut Glück ( ed.): Metzler Lexikon Sprache. Stuttgart and Weimar, Metzler 1993.