Jean Lhermitte

Jacques Jean Lhermitte (born 20 January 1877 in Mont -Saint -Père, Aisne, † January 24, 1959 in Paris) was a French neurologist and neuropsychiatrist.


Lhermitte's father was an artist. After early training in Saint- Étienne, he studied medicine in Paris. He received his doctorate in 1907 and specialized in the field of neurology.

In 1908 he became head of a mental hospital, and later professor of psychiatry and director of the Salpêtrière. During World War II, he studied spinal cord injuries and dealt with neuropsychiatry.

He published publications on visual hallucinations and explored as a deeply religious man, the gray zone between theology and science. In this context, he also conducted studies on obsession and stigmatization.

According to him, the Lhermitte's sign and Lhermitte -Duclos syndrome are named.
