Jeff Torrington

Jeff Torrington ( born December 31, 1935 in Glasgow, Scotland, † 11 May, 2008 Paisley, Scotland ) was a British writer.

Jeff Torrington described in his novels the decline of the "old" Glasgow. "! Swing Hammer Swing" for his publicized debut in 1992 he was awarded the prestigious and most lucrative literary prize Britain - the Whitbread Book Award - awarded.


  • Swing Hammer Swing 1992 ( Eng.:. Blow by blow over from Joachim Kalka, S. Fischer Verlag 1995 ).
  • The Devil 's Carousel 1996 ( Eng.: Inferno sheet over from Joachim Kalka, S. Fischer Verlag 1998. ).

Awards / Prizes

  • Whitbread Book Award 1992