Jeffrey K. Zeig

Jeffrey K. Show ( born November 6, 1947 in New York City ) is an American psychologist, psychotherapist and family therapist. He is a student of Milton H. Erickson and has further developed its Utilisationskonzept.

Life and work

His university studies in East Lansing, Michigan, he graduated with a Bachelor and the second in San Francisco with a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology. At the same time he trained in Transactional Analysis and Salvador Minuchin, Virginia Satir and Carl Whitaker in family therapy at Bob and Mary Goulding. In 1973 he first met Milton H. Erickson and was deeply impressed. He then studied the work of his teacher intensive and received his PhD in 1977 on an aspect of hypnosis at Georgia State University in Atlanta. In 1978 he moved to Phoenix, Arizona, the home of Erickson. There he opened his own practice. In 1980 he published the first time A teaching seminar with Milton H. Erickson, the book has been translated into eight languages.

Jeffrey Show is widely recognized in the therapeutic landscape of the United States. From 1974 to 1985 he was member of the International Clinical Transactional Analysis Association, 1988-1992 Adjunct Assistant Professor at Arizona State University. In 1990 he wrote a book about brief therapy, entitled Brief Therapy: Myths, methods and metaphors.

The earnings of Jeffrey Tell particular the statement, systematization and structuring of hypnotherapy by Milton H. Erickson is regarded in the professional world. With institutional work, numerous publications and teaching, he has helped this therapy towards international recognition. Focus of his own therapy approach is not only individual characteristics of its clients, but also the problems to utilisieren ( use ) to it to construct solutions. At least in the objective of an efficient therapy, he is in line with such different concepts, such as the short-term therapy at the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, the analytical brief therapy approach of Habib Davanloo in Canada or the School of Milwaukee, by Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de founded Shazer.

Show is a multiple function support. He founded the Milton H. Erickson Foundation and forwards it. He is president of the publishing house Show, Tucker & Theisen. He is considered the architect of the Evolution of Psychotherapy Conferences, held since 1985, and organizes short-term therapy and couples therapy conferences. He is editor of several journal, Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, as well as a recognized Supervisor of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. He runs his own practice and conducts workshops worldwide. He was and is used by well-known institutions - invited to give lectures - such as the Mayo Clinic Menninger Foundation or at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas.

His marriage to Peter Sherron was divorced in 1987.


"Whatever offers a client, is used for the solution. "


German -language publications

  • Confluence: Selected Writings of Jeffrey K. Show. Vol 1, literature vsm, Vienna 2012
  • Individual lessons with Erickson. Carl -Auer -Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002
  • Why are you creative? Schmidt, Mainz 1999
  • The wisdom of the unconscious. Carl -Auer -Verlag, Heidelberg, 1995
  • Psychotherapy. DGVT, Tübingen 1991
  • Milton H. Erickson: My voice will accompany you wherever you go. Edited by Jeffrey K. Show. Klett- Cotta, 1985 ( already in the 6th edition )