Jenő Janovics

Jenő Janovics ( born December 8, 1872 in Ungvár, Austria - Hungary, † November 16, 1945 in Cluj- Napoca, Romania) was a Hungarian film pioneer and mentor of directors Alexander Korda and Michael Curtiz.


Jenő ( Eugene ) Janovics, director of the National Theatre in Kolozsvár, Hungary, received his doctorate in 1900 at the local university (today: Babes- Bolyai University ) Dr. phil. and put in the time from the professors exam.

Janovics interested in early for the new medium of film and produced in 1913 ( under the aegis of the French film company Pathé ) his first feature film The Yellow Foal ( Sárga csikó ). The majority of the productions of Janovics have not survived. But we know that he had a particular fondness for subjects with local color and literary adaptations (Anna Karenina, Crime and Punishment, etc ). Under Janovics was the Transylvanian Kolozsvár ( Cluj-Napoca ) for a few years for the second center of the young Hungarian film production. Janovics founded the Corvin 1918 adopted by Korda production company and, after the cession of Transylvania with Romania, to the Transsilvania production.
