Jerry Dumas

Jerry Dumas (actually: Gerald Dumas, born June 6, 1930 in Detroit, Michigan) is an American author and cartoonist.

After a degree in English Literature from Arizona State University, he worked for Mort Walker Inker to the comic strips Beetle Bailey and Hi and Lois. With Walker together created he published from 1961 to 1963 comic strip Sam's Strip, which he recorded and by him in 1977 as Sam and Silo was revived. He also created cartoons for various magazines and newspapers such as The New Yorker and The New York Times in the early 1960s. As an author Dumas publications include the novel An Afternoon in Waterloo Park and the children's book Rabbits Rafferty, which was published in German under the title rabbit Kasimir.

Dumas is married, father of three sons and lives in Greenwich, Connecticut.
