Jie of Xia

  • According to Kat / PD 18th century BC born
  • According Timeline born in 1802 BC King → ​​in the 19th century BC
  • The text says that 1700/1620 indicated still alive. Help us to improve it, and then remove this tag.

King Jie (Chinese桀, Pinyin Jie, W.-G. Chieh ) of Xia was the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty in China. He is held responsible for their case.

King Jie ruled tyrannical and abused the people. The records of the later Qin Dynasty reported that the land in his last year of reign occurred the morning frost in July. Heavy rains flooded continues the houses, hot and cold weather alternated from messy, and the harvest spoiled. Some scientists associate these events with the world's registered temperature anomaly of the 1620s BC, was probably triggered by the Minoan eruption of the volcanic island of Santorini.

Around 1700 BC could Cheng Tang, the leader of the Shang to the east, defeat King Jie and destroy the Xia Dynasty. He founded the Shang Dynasty.

The historian Sima Qian connected the origin of the Xiongnu with Chunwei, who may have been a son of King Jie. This theory has never been proven, but so far not refuted.


  • King of the Xia Dynasty
  • Chinese
  • Born in the 18th century BC
  • Died in the 18th or 17th century BC
  • Man