Joachim Wilhelm von Brawe

Joachim Wilhelm von Brawe ( born February 4, 1738 in White Rock, † April 7, 1758 in Dresden ) was a German dramatist.

After completing his schooling in Schulpforta Brawe began studying law at the University of Leipzig. There, he frequented the circle of friends around Christian Fürchtegott Gellert, Ewald Christian von Kleist, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Christian Felix Weisse. Supported and promoted by Lessing wrote Brawe, a bourgeois ( " The Freygeist " ) and a historical ( " Brutus " ) tragedy.

His " Freygeist " is Lessing's " Miss Sara Sampson " modeled and English dramas. In his play " Brutus " Brawe used for the first time the iambic pentameter unrhymed, he introduced so that on the German stage.

Shortly after his appointment to the Executive Council in Merseburg died in the 20 -year-old Brawe on April 7, 1758 at his parents' visit to Dresden.


  • Tragedies. Winter, Berlin in 1768.
  • The Freygeist. A tragedy in 5 lifts. Ille & Riemer, Leipzig 2002, ISBN 3-936308-10-1.
  • Brutus. A tragedy in 5 lifts. Ille & Riemer, Leipzig 2007, ISBN 978-3-936308-11-2.