Jodina rhombifolia

Iodina rhombifolia, also quebracho flajo, is a species in the family of Sandelholzgewächse ( Santalaceae ) and the only member of the genus Iodina. The species is one of many, which is referred to in their homeland South America as quebracho.


Iodina rhombifolia is a small tree of up to five meters in height. He has leather-like, diamond-shaped, spine reinforced at three corners leaves. They are dark green and shiny. Fruit ripening in spring. The fruits are red.


The oil of the fruit was formerly used against syphilis, decoction of the leaves against drunkenness.


  • Http://
  • Entry to GRIN ( Germplasm Resources Information Network)
  • Sandelholzgewächse
  • Santalaceae