Johann Jakob Frey

Johann Jakob Frey ( born January 27, 1813 in Basel, † September 30, 1865 in Frascati, home justified in Basel) was a Swiss landscape painter.

Life and work

Johann Jakob Frey was born in 1813 as son of the engraver Samuel Frey and learned from his father during his youth painting. In addition, Frey studied with the Swiss artist Hieronymus Hess.

Later he moved to Paris and then in 1834 to Munich, where he was supported by the patron Emilie Linder, what Frey finally another move, this time to Rome allowed. In Rome, he then settled permanently. There he made ​​the acquaintance of people such as Joseph Anton Koch, Johann Christian Reinhardt, Carl Philipp Fohr and Johann Martin von Rohden .. He was buried in the Cimiero Acattolico in Rome, where the grave stone with the law stemming from fellow sculptor Ferdinand Schlöth relief portrait to date has received.


Frey traveled extensively through Italy, particularly in and around Rome, in order to make landscape sketches there. In his studio he then developed from these sketches paintings. He also traveled to other countries outside of Italy, for example, to Spain and Egypt to make sketches for later works.

Frey's painting style based on which chef Joseph or Franz Horny. They often show a detailed and faithful foreground, what often elements such as curved paths or rivers can be seen that direct the focus of the viewer in the drawn distance.
