Johanna Grund

Johanna Christina reason ( born July 17, 1934 in Breslau) is a German journalist, author, speaker and politician, who sometimes served the Republicans. From 1989 to 1994 she was a member of the European Parliament.

Political activity

Johanna reason was deputy national chairman of the Republican and one of the six members who posted the REP after the 1989 European elections to the European Parliament. Reason was strict opponent of the Maastricht Treaty and entered for a connection to one of South Tyrol Austria. Thus During the negotiations for the formation of a common group of extreme right-wing parties, they turned against the cooperation with the Italian MSI. In 1990 she was Acting for a few weeks Chairwoman of the Republicans, as Franz Schönhuber had resigned. After the re-election Beautifully Hubers she left after disputes with this the Republicans, but remained together with Harald Neubauer until the end of its term in 1994 in the Technical Group of the European Right, together with members of the National Front and Vlaams Blok. A short-term commitment to the party breaking 94 together with her ex- REP colleagues Emil Schlee was unsuccessful, the party no longer exists.

Journalistic activity

Basic publications include articles in the magazines Young freedom, nation and Europe as well as the writings of the Austrian Eckardt country team. She regularly writes columns in the Austrian weekly magazine for the moment. 1995 saw her book I was MEP. As a consultant, she performed at several right, extreme right-wing and Eurosceptic groupings.
