John Brown's Body

John Brown's Body is a song in march form, which arose soon after the execution of the U.S. abolitionist John Brown in 1859. The melody is popular; the authorship of the text is controversial.

During the Civil War, the song soon became the preferred march of the Union troops. There are several textual variants occupied; common to all the initial stanza.


(one of the variants)


He went to serve as a soldier in the army of the Lord,


" John Brown's Body " on YouTube

The Sample is another text basis variant than the recorded here.


Many different texts in different languages ​​have been written to this tune. The best known and most important revision is The Battle Hymn of the Republic, Julia Ward Howe of resealing. Even the children's song All children were learning to read after this melody written.


  • Political song
  • Music ( USA )