John Isaiah Brauman

Isaiah John Brauman ( born September 7, 1937 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) is an American chemist at Stanford University in Stanford, California.


Brauman earned a bachelor's degree in 1959 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1963 and a Ph.D. with Andrew Streitwieser at the University of California, Berkeley. As a postdoctoral fellow Brauman worked with Saul Winstein at the University of California, Los Angeles. He was then joined the faculty of Stanford University in Stanford, California, where he (as of 2011 ) JG Jackson and CJ Wood Professor of Chemistry today.


Brewing Mans works deal with the structure and reactivity. He examined ion reactions in the gas phase, acid -base reactions, the mechanisms of proton transfer, nucleophilic substitution and addition-elimination reactions. His work has allowed important conclusions on the shape of the potential surfaces and dynamics of reactions on these surfaces. Brauman contributed to Electron Spectroscopy photodetachment negative ions to measure the electron affinity for examining dipolar electron states, and the infrared - activation of ions in. He has studied the mechanisms of organic reactions in solution and gas phase, and organometallic reactions and the behavior of biomimetic organometallic compounds.

Among the numerous memberships in national and scientific advisory bodies and councils to find a long-term editorship of the prestigious scientific journal Science and the membership of the Advisory Council ( Council) of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States.

Awards (selection)
