John Wycliffe: The Morning Star

  • Peter Howell: Dr. John Wycliffe
  • Michael Bertenshaw: John Purvey
  • James Downie: Young
  • Barrie Cookson: Dr. Nicholas Hereford
  • Jeremy Roberts: Throckmorton
  • Peter J. Cassell: Batka
  • Mel Churcher: Wycliffe 's niece
  • Noel Howlett: Archbishop Sudbury
  • Robert James Bishop Courtenay
  • Malcolm Terris: Sheriff
  • Martin Matthews: inmate
  • Sebastian Abineri: Bauer and husband
  • Anna Lindup: farmer's wife or wife
  • Keith Buckley: John of Gaunt
  • Colin Russell: Squire Newberry
  • Christopher Reeks: Priest
  • Suzanne Church: Beth
  • Forbes Collins: Bauer
  • Iain Cuthbertson: Chancellor Rigg
  • Bunny Reed: Forrest
  • John Moreno: Benedictine monk

John Wycliffe (also: John Wycliffe - The Morning Star and John Wycliff - A Life in the Bible ) is an English film from 1984 in which Peter Howell the Präreformator John Wycliffe plays.


The English clergyman John Wycliffe begins präreformatorische thoughts to formulate. Despite the non-existent printing his writings spread as transcripts. His followers, called Lollards, they bring to the people. Some of the farmers rely on him and the authorities begin to resist. The English peasant rebellion breaks out. But Wycliffe stated that he bears no responsibility for the behavior of the farmers. He begins the Bible into the English vernacular to translate. But soon after, he dies at an old age of a stroke. The Council of Constance declared him 30 years after his death as a heretic. His bones are taken out of his grave and burned to ashes. The ash is poured into a nearby river.

Historical inaccuracies

  • The tower of the University of Oxford, as can be seen in the film, was built in the 16th century.
  • It is debatable whether Wycliffe had a beard. The pictures of him on which he is portrayed with a beard, have originated much later. ( However, one needs him yes but then in some form represent. )
  • Regarding the scene in which the parents come to Wycliffe and tell him about their suffering, that their child had died without baptism, is to emphasize that the sacrament of baptism constituted a sacrament for Wycliffe. At the traditional Church teaching, he wanted to change anything. This scene is thus at least misleading.
  • A meeting between Wycliffe and John Ball is historically highly controversial.
  • John of Gaunt storms to Wyclif and complains because of his doctrine of the Eucharist. It is true that he complained. However, Wycliffe says in the film that the doctrine of the Eucharist something "new" is. This is misleading. Since the year 1215, the Lord's Supper was a dogma. The doctrine was not " new". It is true that there was no dogmatic ideas for Lord's Supper before this time.
  • A student goes with the writings of Wycliffe back to Bohemia. The scene is invented so. Nevertheless, his writings actually come, " among other things " by students to Prague, where they were then taken up by Jan Hus.
  • Wycliffe introduced his plan to translate the Bible. Wycliffe stated that the Bible was written in the then Greek vernacular and Jerome had translated the Bible into vulgar Latin. The film suggests here that Wycliffe had translated the Bible from the original Greek text. This is wrong. He translated from the Vulgate.
  • The scene in which the grave is to be opened by Wycliffe, plays at the wrong place, because the scene is obviously not in the churchyard or in a church with associated church crypt. Is true, however, that the grave of Wycliffe in a " parish church " and not as in the film was in the wilderness.
  • The exhumation took place one evening in winter and not in broad daylight as obviously seen in the film, rather than in the summer time.
  • The assertion of the final scene that the teachings Wycliffe would have as its scattered ashes spread over the whole world, is not correct. A real connection between Präreformation and Reformation could not deliver the science of history. Only with Martin Luther, the Reformation was able to prevail. But though Luther's teachings were similar to those of Wycliffe, but they were not absolutely identical.