Jon Hall (actor)

Jon Hall ( born February 23, 1915 in Fresno, USA, † December 13, 1979 in North Hollywood, United States, actually Charles Hall Locher ) was an American film actor.


Jon Hall was born as the son of actor Felix Locher and gave 1935 his film debut in Woman Must Dress. In 1934 he married Frances Langford, but the marriage was divorced the following year. His first major role came in 1937 ... then the hurricane came on the side of Dorothy Lamour. In 1959 he married a second time, namely the actress Raquel Torres. In the television series Ramar of the Jungle 1952 to 1954 he played 52 episodes long, the main role. The Beach Girls and the Monster 1965 was his last film.

Hall had a number of prominent relative: In addition to his father, Felix Locher were there the cameraman Conrad L. Hall, Ben Chapman and the writer James Norman Hall, who was his uncle.

In 1979 he committed suicide because of him aching cancer suffering.

Filmography (selection)
