Jonny Gammage

Johnny Gammage ( born July 20, 1964; † October 12, 1995 in Brentwood ) was a colored driver who died in an inhabited almost exclusively by whites suburb of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, after he stopped by the police because of " irregular driving" had been. The police reported that he has come in a " scuffle " killed. The coroner reported that he had died due to kidney failure, caused by pressure on his neck and back. It is said that his last words " Keith, Keith, I'm only 31! " ( " Keith, Keith, I 'm only 31! " ) Should have been. The story has made headlines across the U.S. and resulted in a far-reaching investigation of the Justice Department for action by U.S. police.

Three white police officers were charged with manslaughter. One of them was acquitted in November 1996 and transported a short time later. The other two were also acquitted after two failed procedures, according to the legal principle of ne bis in idem.

The fact is described in the song Police Story of Anti-Flag and Triple 7 Special rapper Sun Rise Above.

Some of the case of Johnny Gammage is compared with the events to Amadou Diallo.
