José María Bustillo (Honduran)

José María Bustillo († 1855 in Comayagua ) was from September 10 to October 1, 1835 Supreme Director of the Honduras Province and from 20th to August 27th, 1839 Director Supremo of Honduras.

José María Bustillo married Petrona Vasquez Alcantara.

Joaquín Rivera Braga was January 7, 1833 to December 31, 1836 Jefe Supremo, his deputy was Francisco Ferrera. Since Ferrera let capture 1834 party and friends of Rivera from El Salvador in San Bernardo, Namasigüe in January, Rivera had no confidence in Ferrera, why he had to govern business leader as his deputy Mr José María Bustillo 1835. This created a deep enmity between Rivera and Ferrera.

On October 26, 1838 Honduras declared itself under the provincial government of José María Martinez Salinas, as a separate state. Ferrera commanded the troops of Honduras in dealing with the federal government under José Francisco Morazán Quezada, including the separation of Honduras led. On April 5, 1839 his troops and defeated Nicaragua by the troops of Morazán at the Battle of Espíritu Santo in El Salvador were. On September 25, 1839, Honduras troops were surprised in San Pedro Perulapán and Francisco Ferrera injured, whereupon he fled to Nicaragua. Since he was exposed to a separatist pressure from Morazán, he let his resignation as president on August 20, 1839 note to Parliament by messenger.

The seat of government Comayagua was occupied in 1839 by the troops of José de la Trinidad Cabañas Francisco Fiallos.

Under the political military pressure of Morazán Bustillo gave the presidency to his Cabinet, led by Monica Bueso and Francisco de Aguilar, and was War Minister from 24 August 1839 to January 1840.

From March 1, 1852 to October 18, 1855 under the government of General Fiallos, Bustillo was Judge at the Court of Comayagua
