José Mujica

José Alberto Mujica Cordano, called El Pepe ( born May 20, 1935 in Montevideo) is a Uruguayan politician and, since March 1, 2010 Acting President of his country. From professional Mujica is flower growers.


Mujica was born on May 20, 1935 at montevideanischen Barrio Paso de la Arena, the son of Demetrio Mujica and Lucy Cordano. His father, an impoverished small estanciero later, was of Basque origin. Mujicas parents also received in 1940 a daughter, Mujicas younger sister María Eudosia Mujica Cordano. She died on 8 August 2012, 71 years.

The father died at an early stage. José Mujica was located at that time in the third year of school. The grandfather of his father from his mother's side belonged to the herreristischen Blanco - wing, and was several times Edil in Colonia. This relationship line came from a poor family of Italian origin. José Mujicas born in Carmelo 's mother was a descendant of Italian immigrants from Piedmont. These were employed as wine growers and bought five hectares in Colonia Estrella in Calera de las Huérfanas.

In his native district José Mujica attended from the age of six years, the Escuela N º 150 Later he continued his schooling continued at the Liceo. Between the ages 13 and 17 years of age, he also operational cycling and participated in several races. After completion of upper secondary level of education, he attended preparatory courses at the jurisprudential branch of the Instituto Alfredo Vazquez Acevedo ( IAVA ), but this training path did not continue.

Because of its activity in the guerrilla movement, he was sent to prison, where he spent a total of 14 years of his life, mostly in solitary confinement. Twice he managed to escape.

Since 2005, Mujica has been married to the MPP Senator Lucía Topolansky, with whom he has been dating since the time of his were made during the amnesty of March 8, 1985 release from prison and lives on his small Chacra in Rincon del Cerro. He is committed to atheism. Mujica is still living on his small Estancia near Montevideo and driving his old VW Beetle. For official journeys he uses an Opel Corsa. Of the 12,500 U.S. $ presidential salary he retains only 10%, the rest he gives to small businesses and NGOs. That was enough content, he says, finally lived many citizens with even less. His wife donates a large portion of their income.

Political career

In his youth, Mujica was politically in a grouping of the Partido Nacional in the context of the then Labour and Industry Minister Enrique Erro active. Together with Raúl Sendic and other companions He also founded in the mid-1960s, the Movimiento de Liberación Nacional- Tupamaros MLN. Within this movement he belonged to the rehenes as Los grouping designated by the founder and leader Raúl Fernández Huidobro Sendic and Eleuterio. Due to this, he ended up in prison. After democracy was restored in 1985 in Uruguay, José Mujica was released along with other Tupamaros from prison. The Tupamaros founded in 1989, the party Movimiento de Participación Popular ( MPP).

In 1994 he was elected deputy for the Department of Montevideo in the Cámara de Representantes and 1999 as a senator. Of 15 February 1995 to 14 February 2000 he was a deputy of the Frente Amplio thus in the Uruguayan House of Representatives, then, from February 15 2000 to February 14, 2005, first for the party alliance Partido Encuentro Progesista / Frente Amplio member of the Uruguayan Senate. In 2004 he had it held the office of Third Vice President of the Senate. After his re-election to a second term as a senator joined as a representative of the Encuentro Progresista / Frente Amplio / Nueva mayoria Alliance. Since his appointment by Tabaré Vázquez on March 1, 2005 to March 3, 2008, he held the office of the Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries. Until his resignation on 24 May 2009 was leader of the Movimiento de Mujica Participación Popular ( MPP), the majority sector of the left-wing party Frente Amplio.

In June 2009, Mujica was the da Silva called the Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula as his role model, was elected as candidate of the Frente Amplio left alliance for the presidential election. In the first round on 25 October 2009, he missed the absolute majority with 48 percent of votes short. In the runoff election on 29 November 2009 it reached about 53 percent of the vote, beating his conservative Luis Alberto Lacalle by competitors.

In October 2011, Mujica took first in his capacity as President of a ten-day official trip to Europe, where he visited Sweden, Norway, Belgium and Germany.

In September 2013, Mujica took part in the General Assembly of the United Nations, where he gave a long lecture on humanity and globalization.

Political positions

Over the years, Mujica has developed into a pragmatist. More recently, he has expressed a desire for a more flexible policy as expressed there but remain very close to the people.

Mujica supported the policy of Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. He is against international isolation of Iran.

His invitation to foreign investors for the construction of industrial projects in the country, of which he hopes for an economic boom, was - mainly from environmentalists - repeatedly criticized.


1997 produced Rainer Hoffmann and Heidi Specogna the documentary Tupamaros in which José Mujica and former colleagues tell the story of their movement.
