José Quiñones Gonzales

José Abelardo Quiñones Gonzales ( born April 22, 1914 in Pimentel, Peru, † July 23, 1941 Quebrada Seca, Ecuador ) was a Peruvian aviator and national hero. He was the third of four children of Mr and Mrs Don José María Quiñones Arizola and Doña María Juana Rosa Gonzales Orrego born in Pimentel, a fishing village in the region of Lambayeque.

On July 23, 1941, he died in an attack on Ecuadorian forces during the Peruvian- Ecuadorian War.

His remains were buried on September 22, 1961 at the " Plaza de Armas de la Base Aérea de Las Palmas " in Lima. On May 10, 1966, declared a Peruvian national hero José Quiñones Capitan by the Peruvian President Fernando Belaúnde Terry. His death anniversary is celebrated as the day of the Peruvian Air Force.

The ten- Nuevos Soles bill represents on the front José Quiñones, and on the back of a flying on the back of the plane, which is the death of the pilot.
