José Rodríguez Fuster

José Rodriguez Fuster (* 1946 in Caibarién, Cuba ) is a Cuban artist, a representative of naïve art direction. He lives and works in Jaimanitas at the northwest end of Havana.

Early life

Fuster grew up in a small fishing village. He was active at the age of 14 years, in the time of the Cuban Revolution, as a volunteer in literacy campaigns in the mountains of the Sierra Maestra. He participated in the Cuban Literacy Campaign 1961. 1963 he took in Havana to study art.

Artistic life

Since 1966, Fuster works as a freelance artist. Inspired his works by the architect Antonio Gaudí and the painters Pablo Picasso and Jean Dubuffet. He toured Europe, where he saw Antonio Gaudí in Barcelona and Constantin Brancusi in Romania.

In 1980 he came to Jaimanitas, which is also called " Fusterlandia ". There he initially lived in a wooden house. This he changed as well - in cooperation with homeowners - more than 80 other facades. In 1984 he took part in Römhild the 4th International Ceramics Symposium.

Fuster colorfully decorated house walls, roofs, porches, benches, sculptures and mosaics. In its symbolic language he used mermaid, fish, palm, tap and Santeria saints that have references to the literature by Alejo Carpentier, Jorge Cardoso Onelio and Ernest Hemingway. Funded in Jaimanitas framed art objects Fuster from the sale proceeds of his exhibitions. He held more than 100 solo exhibitions of his paintings and ceramics world. His son Alex is his manager.


Entrance to the Theatre in Jaimanitas

Fuster has worked at the Arca de la Libertad ( Revolution Museum )

Chess in the park Jaimanitas
