José William Vesentini

José Vesentini William (* 1950 in Presidente Bernardes, Brazil) is a Brazilian geographer.

Vesentinis father was an Italian anarchist who fled from fascism in the state of São Paulo. Vesentini worked as a geography teacher in middle schools and his PhD in 1985 under Manoel Seabra with a thesis on Brazil's capital Brasília ( capital A because geopolítica ). For many years he was a lecturer at the Faculty ( FFLCH ) of the University of São Paulo, where he was responsible for master's and doctoral theses philosophical- literary and human sciences; In 2003 he was livre docente.

Vesentini published numerous didactic works for geography teaching in secondary schools as well as articles about geopolitics, Political Geography and epistemology and history of geographical thought. He is regarded as an innovator of Critical Geography in Brazil for some.
