Josefina Vázquez Mota

Josefina Vázquez Mota ( born January 20, 1961 in Mexico City) is a Mexican politician (PAN) and economist.


Josefina Vázquez Mota was born in Mexico City. Her parents Arnulfo Vazquez Mota Josefina and came originally from the north of the Mexican state of Puebla. Of a total of seven children Josefina is the fourth oldest. Josefina Vázquez Mota is married to the Sergio Ocampo Muñoz computer since 1984. The couple has three daughters.

Vázquez Mota made ​​a first bachelor's degree in mathematics at the Instituto Nacional Politécnico, then she studied economics at the Universidad Iberoamericana and at the Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresas ( IPADE ). After studying Vázquez Mota worked as a columnist for newspapers and magazines such as Novedades, El Financiero and El Economista. Before her entry into politics, she worked for various business organizations and companies. In addition, Vázquez Mota has published two books and hosted a business program on TV Azteca.


Vázquez Mota began her political career in Chihuahua, where she lived with her family since the mid- 80s. She was there for the Partido Acción Nacional (PAN), a member of the Secretaria de la Mujer and the Asociación Coordinadora Ciudadana. In 1996, she returned to Mexico City, to run for the Cámara de Deputies, the lower house of the Mexican Parliament. At that time, she also met the then Secretary General of the PAN Felipe Calderón know. Thanks to its extensive experience in the private sector, she was elected Mexico on September 1, 2000 in the Congress of the Union and appointed by the government Vicente Fox was the first woman to Secretaría de Desarrollo Social. This item she kept held until 2005, when she resigned to work in the choice Kamp team of Felipe Calderon. After the election victory Calderón appointed her Secretaría de Educación Pública 2006. Your time at the Education Ministry was marked by several public disputes with the head of the teachers' union Elba Esther Gordillo. After the election again in 2009 in the Cámara de Deputies she resigned as Minister of Education, to be coordinator of the deputies of the PAN. In 2011 she resigned to devote himself entirely to their presidential candidacy can.

Presidential candidacy

Although her strongest intra-party rival Ernesto Cordero Arroyo was supported by the incumbent President Felipe Calderón, Vázquez Mota won the primaries of PAN 5 February 2012 with 53.2 % of the votes and became the official candidate in the race to succeed Calderón. She was the first woman ever elected from one of the three great Mexican parties (PAN, PRI and PRD) presidential candidate and also in comparison to their competitors Enrique Peña Nieto (PRI ) and Andrés Manuel López Obrador (PRD ) is relatively unknown.

In their campaign Vázquez Mota campaigned with the promise that she would fight corruption and organized crime, promote the award of scholarships to young people from poorer backgrounds and the reform of labor law, the aim of which was to annually 400,000 unemployed in the labor process reintegrate. In addition, she wanted to fight for the strengthening of women's rights. In security policy, they wanted to keep the much-criticized line of their predecessor Vicente Fox and Calderón and remove the military only from regions in which the police could ensure the safety of its own.

In the election on July 1, 2012 Josefina Vazquez Mota reached with slightly more than 25 % to third place behind the winner Enrique Peña Nieto (PRI ) and Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( PRD). López Obrador rose as with the presidential election in 2006 a complaint with the national electoral authority IFE. After Recount of 54.5 % of the votes of Peña Nieto's election victory was confirmed.
