Joseph Marcell

Joseph Marcell ( born August 18, 1948 in St. Lucia ) is a British actor, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air is best known as Geoffrey Butler known in the sitcom.

He was born on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia and emigrated at the age of five with his family to England. During his college years he studied theater and then took on the University of Sheffield in Yorkshire subjects in speech ( free speech ) and Dance ( dance). As a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company he appeared in productions such as Othello or A Midsummer Night's Dream. On the London stage, he appeared in such plays as Sherlock Holmes and Black Star. In a BBC radio special he appeared again on Othello. He also had some appearances in British television series and feature films.

Marcell is very involved in the theater and is a director of the Old Globe Theatre and the Temba Theatre Company operates. In addition to these activities, he encourages young actors and regularly organizes Shakespearean acting workshops in Los Angeles.

Marcell has a son and a daughter.
