Joseph Philippe de Clairville

Joseph Philippe de Clairville (* 1742 in the south of France or Paris, † July 31, 1830 in Winterthur) was a French botanist and entomologist. His botanical and mycological author abbreviation is " Clairv. ".


Joseph Philippe was born in 1742 in the south of France or Paris. Later Clairsville moved to Switzerland, where he had a collection of Valais plants and butterflies docked in Nyon, and later in Bex.

1782 moved to Winterthur Clairsville, probably contributed by Johann Sebastian Clais not insignificant for this change of location at. In 1788, he received his country house for Buhl and put in a botanical garden at this. From 1791 to 1798 Clairsville issued seven books on garden plants. He then worked until 1806 at the Entomology helvétique, a two -volume work on living in Switzerland beetles in which he set up new rules for determining and categorizing beetle species that have not changed to this day.

To Clairsville held during the French Revolution and the ensuing occupation of Switzerland on in southern Germany, where he translated the natural history of the farm and cage birds by Johann Matthäus Bechstein and expanded.

Back in Winterthur in 1811 appeared his botanical masterpiece Manuel d' herborisation en Suisse et en Valais. His herbarium and his private library he bequeathed after his death, the city of Winterthur Library. The herbarium was donated by the City Library in 1901 the Botanical Institute, Zurich. His collection of beetles is now in the Natural History Museum Basel.
