Jovians and Herculians

The Jovians and Herkulianer were 700 years, 284-988, the Imperial Guard of the Roman Empire and later the Byzantine Empire.

The Praetorian Guard, who were stationed in the Castra Praetoria just outside Rome in a special military camp had allied itself during the reign of Diocletian the Roman Senate. Consequently ordered Diocletian, who lived in Nicomedia in Asia, about 100 kilometers from Byzantium in the year 284 two trusted legions of Illyricum dig for personal protection of the emperors, a practice that was maintained during the Tetrarchy. The two legions were called Jovians and Herculianer. The core of the new guard of the legions formed parts I and II Iovia Herculia.

In the Byzantine Empire, they were in turn replaced by the Varangian Guard in 988.
