Józef Mehoffer

Józef Mehoffer ( born March 19, 1869 in Ropczyce, then Austria - Hungary, † June 8, 1946 in Wadowice ) was a Polish painter and graphic artist and one of the leading representatives of the Young Poland.

He studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, including at Jan Matejko, at the University and Academy in Vienna and in Paris ( Académie Colarossi, École des Beaux -Arts ). His preferred method among art prints, easel painting, chalk drawings, Car lithographs, etchings etc. He painted numerous portraits of happy people in historicizing costumes, created theatrical sets, furniture and much more. Also in the field of applied art he worked. So he asked a variety of book covers, bookplates and other ornaments ago, created posters, watermarks and created templates for banknotes.

Mehoffer became famous for its stained glass windows, in which he combined elements of medieval painting with those of the Vienna Secession, in particular the 13 windows of the Saint Nicolas Cathedral of Fribourg from 1895 to 1936 and together with Stanisław Wyspiański and Jan Matejko in Kraków St. Mary's Church, and its murals, such as in the Armenian Cathedral of Lviv, in the treasury on the Krakow Wawel or in the church of Turek.

His Cracow house, which Józef Mehoffer House was dedicated to him as a museum.
