József Szendi

József Szendi ( born October 31, 1921 in Székesfehérvár ) is Archbishop Emeritus of Veszprém.


József Szendi received on 24 December 1944, the ordination.

Pope John Paul II appointed him on 5 April 1982 Apostolic Administrator of Veszprém and Titular Bishop of Stephaniacum. The Archbishop of Esztergom László Cardinal Lékai donated to him on 21 April of the same year, the episcopal ordination; Co-consecrators were László Paskai OFM, Koadjutorerzbischof of Kalocsa, and Imre Kisberk, retired bishop of Székesfehérvár. On 3 September 1983 he became bishop of Veszprém and with the elevation to the archbishopric, he was on 31 May 1993 First Archbishop of Veszprém.

On 14 August 1997, Pope John Paul II accepted his resignation age-related.


  • Hétköznap is szól az Ur. Elmélkedések a hétköznapi evangéliumokról. Budapest, 1989.
  • Számvetés. Emlékezések 1940-2002 -ig. Budapest, 2002-2004.
  • Krisztus Jézusban Elni. Budapest, 2006.