Jürgen von Beckerath

Jürgen Friedrich Rudolf von Beckerath ( born February 19, 1920 in Hannover ) is a German Egyptologist and professor emeritus at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster.


Jürgen von Beckerath went in the Höchst district of Frankfurt am Main to school and was there in 1939, the High School. He was discharged from military service because he had a war injury.

After the Second World War, he began in Munich to study Egyptology and received his doctorate in 1950. Seven years later, in 1957 he became a lecturer at the same university in 1963 and was a lecturer at the University of Munich. In the years 1966 and 1967 he was visiting professor at Columbia University in New York, however, rejected an appeal there from. In 1970 he was ord. Professor and Director of the Institute at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster, where he retired in 1985. However, since that time he has published numerous scientific works.

From Beckerath now lives with his wife Irmgard in Schlehdorf on Lake Kochel in Upper Bavaria.


Jürgen von Beckerath most important works are the Handbook of Egyptian royal names (Lit.: Maes 49) and the chronology of Pharaonic Egypt ( ref: Maes 46). You are now among the standard works of Egyptology.

But his scientifically important and influential work is his study of the Second Intermediate Period, with whom he habilitated.


  • Thani and Thebes. Historical foundations of the Ramesside Period in Egypt ( = Egyptological research. Vol 16, ISSN 0933 - 338x ). Augustin, Gluckstadt / New York 1951 -
  • Studies on the political history of the second intermediate time in Egypt ( = Egyptological research. Vol. 23). Augustin, Gluckstadt / New York 1964 -
  • Outline of the history of Ancient Egypt. Oldenbourg, Munich / Berlin 1971.
  • Handbook of Egyptian royal names ( = Munich Egyptological studies. Vol. 20). German Art Publishers, Munich, etc. 1984, ISBN 3-422-00832-2.
  • Chronology of the Egyptian New Kingdom ( Egyptology = Hildesheimer posts. Vol. 39). Gerstenberg, Hildesheim 1994, ISBN 3-8067-8132- X.
  • Chronology of Pharaonic Egypt. The timing of Egyptian history from prehistoric times to 332 BC ( = Munich Egyptological studies. Vol. 46). of Saverne, Mainz 1997, ISBN 3-8053-2310-7.
  • Handbook of Egyptian royal names ( = Munich Egyptological studies. Vol. 49). of Saverne, Mainz 1999, ISBN 3-8053-2591-6.