
Cabinet is a predicate for quality wines. In Germany it is part of the wine - quality level of quality wines.


In the Federal Republic of Germany Cabinet is a premium wine of superior quality, which bear an official exam number, and must meet certain legal requirements. The minimum requirement is 73 ° Oechsle, in the wine region of Baden depending on grape variety 76 ° to 85 ° Oechsle.

In contrast to quality wines produced in specified regions the Cabinet no Chaptalisation is allowed. A cabinet can be dry or restsüß.


The Kabinett wines must in Austria beyond current criteria for quality wines have a minimum must weight of 84 ° Oechsle, the alcohol content must not exceed 12.7%. They may not be enriched. Kabinett wines do not belong in Austria to the predicate wines. A special feature of the Wachau wine region, the categories rock, Federspiel and Smaragd apply.

Origin of name

In the Middle Ages, around the year 1500, the former Fraternei was converted into a wine cellar in the Eberbach monastery and served as a " treasure trove " for particularly valuable wines. This treasury was called Cabinet. From this, the Cabinet today in wine law enshrined predicate name is derived from the Cabinet.
