Kaimondake volcano

The Kaimondake from the direction of Makurazaki

The Kaimon -dake (Japanese开 闻 岳) is a stratovolcano of 924 meters above sea level in the Nansatsu Volcano group on the administrative area of Kagoshima in southern Kyushu (Japan). The last eruption took place in the year 885

The volcano, which is called because of its symmetry with respect to the world-famous Mount Fuji as Satsuma -Fuji (萨摩 富士), one of the " hundred famous mountains of Japan " (Nihon hyakumeizan ). It is part of Kirishima - Yaku National Park.

An alternate spelling of the name is海 门 岳meaning " sea gate Summit " because it is located at the exit of Kagoshima Bay to the East China Sea. At the foot of the mountain is the Hirakiki Shrine, former First Shrine of Satsuma, and the mountain was called Hirakiki -dake (枚 闻 岳).

The Kaimon -dake (right), Ikeda Lake (center) and output of Kagoshima Bay (left)
