Kalanchoe beharensis

Kalanchoe beharensis

Kalanchoe beharensis is a plant of the genus Kalanchoe in the family Crassulaceae ( Crassulaceae ). She is one of the largest species of the genus.

  • 3.1 Literature
  • 3.2 Notes and references


Vegetative characteristics

Kalanchoe beharensis are 2 to 3 feet tall shrubs. The simple basal shoots have a resinous bark. Furthermore they branch, are upright, strong and pubescent, with diameters of 2-12 centimeters. The shoots have showy, provided with sharp projections on both sides of leaf scars. The few leaves are from 4 to 10 inches long, fleshy, turning round petioles and are crowded together at the shoot tips. The leaf blade is 7-40 cm long and 8-30 cm wide, glabrous, bluish to more or less densely white to brownish and pubescent with stellate hairs. It is pointed at the tip and emarginate at the base. Up to 15 plantlets form on a parent sheet. In this type of plant propagation is a botanical rarity, which is only possible in very few plants.

Inflorescences and flowers

The many-flowered, axillary inflorescences form 20 to 30 inches high panicles. The peduncle is 40 to 50 centimeters. The flowers are from 4 to 13 mm long pedicles, stand out in all directions and are strongly pubescent. The tubular calyx is yellow-green with reddish lines and has triangular, pointed tip. The urn-shaped corolla is greenish to pink green yellow and forms a 6 to 10 mm long tube. The tip are ovate, pointed, and are 5-13 mm long and 3-6 mm wide. The stamens are attached near the top of the corolla tube and protrude out of the tube. The carpel is 5 to 12 millimeters long. The stylus has a length of 5 to 10 millimeters.

Fruit and seeds

The fruits are upright follicles that contain numerous, obovate, 0.7 -millimeter seeds.

Systematics, chromosome number and distribution

Kalanchoe is beharensis widespread in the south and south-west of Madagascar in dry forests on different soils. The first description was in 1903 by Emmanuel Drake del Castillo.

The chromosome number.

Synonyms are Kalanchoe, vantieghemii Raym. - Hamet, Kalanchoe beharensis var aureo - aeneus H.Jacobsen (nom. inval. , Type, 36.1, 37.1) and Kalanchoe beharensis var subnuda H.Jacobsen (nom. inval. , Type, 36.1 37.1).

