Kanal III3b

The Hofflöth marked in Clörath the city boundary between Viersen and Tönisvorst.

Template: Infobox River / Obsolete

The channel III3b is a long-distance scale artificial watercourses in the territory of the district Viersen (NRW).

Hydronymie and synonyms

The channel III3b is often referred to as " branch channel " refers to its headwaters to the confluence of Willicher Fleuth, which is sometimes called in this area Bruchflöth, as well as " Hofflöth ".


The source of the channel III3b lies with the Mutschenweg in Willich -Neersen. From here, it flows via Clörath and Hagen always more or less to the northwest, until he, slightly southwest of Oedt opens into the Nier.


  • Willicher Fleuth ( Flöthbach ) (right)
  • Zweigkanal left arm (channel III C) ( left)

Data and character

The channel III3b has a length of just over 10 miles and its catchment area is almost 82 square kilometers.

The channel III3b is classified as waters of the type 19 ( Small lowland rivers in river and stream valleys ) from the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection ..

Its water quality is in the grade II and is therefore relatively well.

Flora and Fauna

The channel III3b flows past the Clörather mill in the relatively small distance of about 500 m. This was in 2010 one of the few nesting and breeding sites of white storks in the territory of the district of Viersen.
