Karakalpak language

Spoken in

  • Altaic languages ​​( disputed) Turkic languages Kipchak languages Karakalpakisch




The karakalpakische language ( karakalp. Qaraqalpaq tili, Qaraqalpaqsha ) is a Turkic language and belongs to the subgroup of Kipchak ( northwestern Turkey ) languages.

Alternative designations

Other names for the language are Karaklobuk, corny and Klobouki and from Turkish Turkish Studies Qaraqalpaq Türkçesi or Karakalpak Türkçesi ( karakalpakisches Turkish) known.

Speaker and distribution area

Main distribution area is the autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan in the north- western Uzbekistan. In the 1989 census, 398 573 Karakalpaks gave them as their mother tongue and 1,314 as a second language. Also, around 2,000 speakers living in northern Afghanistan. The karakalpakische language is closely related to the Kazakh and the Nogay. So also Kazakh, Nogai Karakalpakisch and form a common subgroup within the Turkic languages ​​.

  • See also: Comparative analysis of the Turkic languages


Allen Turkic peoples of Russia, Central Asia and Siberia was the Kyptschak - Tatar as a common written language until it gave way in the 15th century, the eastern Turkish writing of Tschagataischen.

Only in 1924 was Karakalpakisch independent literary language, as for the case a modified Arabic alphabet has been introduced. In 1927 this was replaced by the unified Turkish alphabet. As part of the introduction of a compulsory Russian lessons, the alphabet was replaced in 1940 by a modified Cyrillic alphabet.

In 1997, a new Latin alphabet was adopted for the Karakalpakische. This is referred as the other Latin alphabets within the Turkic languages ​​as well as the "new Turkish alphabet ". It dispenses with the usual Turkish diacritics and largely corresponds to the Uzbek Latin alphabet.
