Karel Hlaváček

Karel Hlavacek ( born August 24, 1874 in Prague, † June 15, 1898 ibid ) was Czech poet and painter, a decadent and representatives of the Czech symbolism.

His literary works and reviews on the visual arts, he published in the Moderní revue. He also illustrated for this journal. Throughout his life he could not prevail and always fought with financial problems. He died of tuberculosis.


His collections are characterized by musicality.

  • Falk Sonatas ( Sokolské sonety ) - First collection of poems. It usually is Appellation verses me decadent Broad.
  • Late in the morning ( Pozdě k Ranu ) - The collection offers musical sound diversity, achieved through repetition of words and own rhyme. He tries the reader to suggest a Laun and used to word sounds. He uses images of unreal landscapes in twilight. The poems are melancholic and sad. A typical work of the Czech symbolism.
  • Mstivá Kantiléna - poems written from the perspective of a man who is doomed to starvation. Symbolically represented by Dutch impoverished aristocrat in the 16th century.
  • Psalms ( Žalmy ) - poetry collection in anthemic verses, unfinished.