Karl Joseph Alter

Karl Joseph age ( born August 18, 1885 in Toledo, Ohio, USA, † August 23 1977 in Cincinnati ) was a Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cincinnati and chairman of the U.S. Bishops' Conference.


Age was ordained on June 4, 1910 in his hometown for the priests, and was first in the church of St. Mary Church in Leipsic, Ohio, and from 1914 in the Diocese of Toledo operates.

Pope Pius XI. appointed him on April 17, 1931 Bishop of Toledo. He received his episcopal consecration of the Archbishop of Cincinnati, John Timothy McNicholas OP, on June 17 the same year. Co-consecrators were the Bishop of Wichita, Augustus John Schwertner, and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Henry Albers of Cincinnati.

On June 14, 1950, he was named by Pope Pius XII. Archbishop of Cincinnati. On the first three sessions of the Second Vatican Council, he participated as a Council Father. At his retirement in 1969, he was called by Pope Paul VI. appointed Titular Archbishop of Minora.

Him the Great Cross of Merit was awarded with Star and Sash of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany on 14 September 1953.
