Karl Schaum

Ferdinand Karl Franz foam ( * July 14, 1870 in Frankfurt am Main, † January 30, 1947 in Gießen ) was a German chemist.

Foam studied at the Universities of Basel, Berlin, Leipzig and Marburg and received his doctorate in 1893. Subsequently, he was an assistant at the Universities of Marburg and Leipzig and completed his habilitation in 1897 in Marburg. From 1901 he worked at the Marburg Institute of Physics as an assistant. From 1904 he was an associate professor in Marburg active, then from 1908 in Leipzig, where he taught the photochemistry. In 1914 he became director of the Physical- Chemical Institute in Giessen. Foam has published numerous books and was co-editor of the manual dictionary of science, as well as together with Eugen English, the journal for scientific photography, photophysics and photochemistry.

He was a member of the Society for the promotion of the whole science of Marburg. In Marburg he became in 1889 a member of the fraternity Alemannia.
