Karl Theodor Hartweg

Karl Theodor Hartweg ( born June 18, 1812 in Karlsruhe, † February 3, 1871 in Schwetzingen ) was a German botanist. He was plant collector for the Royal Horticultural Society in London. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Hartw. ".

From 1836 to 1847 he collected in various countries of the American continent plants that have been described mainly by George Bentham. The plant genera Hartwegia and Hartwegiella are named after him. Among the many plants that Hartweg brought back from his expeditions, but also includes numerous fuchsias.


  • Robert Zander, Fritz Encke, Günther Buchheim, Siegmund Seybold (eds.): Handbook of Plant Names. 13th edition. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 1984, ISBN 3-8001-5042-5.