Karl von Krempler

Karl von Carder ( born May 26, 1896 in Pirot, † April 17, 1972 in Salzburg ) was an ethnic German SS banner leader in World War II. As SS and Police Leader in the Balkans, he was responsible for the recruitment of Bosnian Muslims. He had also recruit the Sanjak for the Waffen-SS.


Karl von Carder was born on 26 May 1896 in the Serbian Pirot. He said in addition to his native German, fluent in Serbian and Turkish.

In 1942 he was invited by Heinrich Himmler and Artur Phleps, in the formation of the proposed Bosniak Division - to participate within the Waffen- SS - the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS " Handschar " ( Croat No. 1). So ( a temporary membership number) was transferred to the Waffen-SS by Carder under the SS number 487.625V and finally there was a specialist in Islam.

Due to the Turkish spoken by Kremp coupler, helped with this, the connection to Mohammad Amin al -Husseini - the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem - to produce and ensure the safety of his visit to Bosnia from March 30 to April 14, 1942. While the Mufti was an Arab, but had served in the Ottoman army during the First World War. Croatian authorities tried to prevent the visit, but Carder arranged a meeting between the Mufti with several Bosnian leaders.

After his appointment to the office of the SS and Police Leader Sanjak in September 1943 and the relatively successful formation of the SS and police Selbschutz Regiment Carder was known as the Sanjak - Prince.

Karl von Carder fled the communist regime of Tito to Austria and died on 17 April 1972 in Salzburg.
