Karma Gon Monastery

The monastery Karma Gompa (karma dgon pa), also Karma Dansa (karma gdan sa), is the founding monastery of the Tibetan Buddhist school of thought of the Karma Kagyu, the later center in (depending on sources) one-half to four decades later built Tsurphu stood at Lhasa.

The monastery according to other sources 1184 of Chödzin Gemphel ( chos 'dzin dge ' phel ), the future first Karmapa Düsum Khyenpa ( dus gsum mkhyen pa), founded in 1147, is located at 3800 m altitude of about 120 km north of Qamdo in Kham in a tributary of the Dza Chu ( Mekong ).

Despite the destruction of the Cultural Revolution, at least the building complex of the main hall, as well as relics of the grave halls of some eminent lamas have survived, including the Grabchörten ( stupa ) of Düsum Khyenpa as well as those in which the remains of Situ Rinpoche are enshrined.

In the largely rebuilt monastery now living permanently about 200 monks, while 500 are closely associated with it.
