Kasturi class frigate


2,100 tons loaded

99.1 m ( 330 ft)

11.3 m ( 40 ft)

3.7 m ( 10 ft)


2 shafts 4 MTU 20V 1163 TB92 diesel 23,400 HP (approx. 17,200 kW)

27 kn (50 km / h)

7,000 sm ( 12,964 km ) at 14 kn (26 km / h)

1 × Hangar

The class FS 1500 is a frigate or corvette class Howaldtswerke- German Werft (HDW), which was built as Almirante Padilla class with four units for Colombia, as Kasturi class with two units for Malaysia.


The class of ships was developed and offered the early 1980s of years at HDW. As a result, six ships were built, four for Colombia and two for Malaysia. The ships of the two countries differ only in their armament and electronic equipment. HDW itself defines the ships and corvettes while they were classified in the respective navies as frigates.

The first ship, the Almirante Padilla for Colombia, was laid on 17 March 1981, Kiel and put into service on 14 October 1984. The last two ships KD Lekir and the KD Kasturi, were built in parallel and placed on 3 January 1982, Kiel, and provided by the Malaysian Navy in service on August 15, 1984.

The ships have been continuously improved over the years and are now (as of 2010 ) is still in service.

The ships were the last Navy ship class HDW before the development of MEKO concept.




Almirante Padilla, exercise PANAMAX 2004

Almirante Padilla exercise UNITAS Gold ( 2009)

KD Lekir from the front ...

And Aft ... (all links ) (both 2008)


  • Colombia: Seguridad & Defensa www.fuerzasmilitares.org (Spanish)
  • Conway's All the World 's Fighting Ships 1947-1995 ISBN 0-85177-605-1